about us

Discover the Journey of FHRL

Empowering the Next Generation of Innovators and promoting STEM Education with Robotics

People in the office
People in the office
People in the office

Our mission

Igniting the Flame of STEM Passion

To inspire a lasting love for STEM by making robotics education accessible, engaging, and exciting for children in our community

People in the office
People in the office
People in the office

Our mission

Our History

Forest Hills Robotics League(FHRL) is a non-profit volunteer organization, our mission is to promote education in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (S.T.E.M) for children in our community through the participation in the FIRST Robotics program.

From Coach Iffat Mai:
As an MIT Alumna, I discovered the FIRST LEGO League program through the MIT alumni newsletter. The MIT Alumni club was looking for volunteers to coach LEGO teams around the city. It sounded like a fun and exciting program for me and my children to work on. It would also be the perfect enrichment program that I was looking for my children to participate in. However, I soon learned that the program only existed inside certain schools. Since my kids' school didn't have one, we were out of luck. After my failed attempt in getting the FIRST Robotics program into my kid's school, I decided to just start a team by myself.

In 2006, we started the LEGO club in my basement with 5 kids, two of my own kids and their best friends. Our team grew year after year, and with the help of several dedicated parents, we decided to form a non-profit group and open the program up to the rest of the community. We wanted to empower the parents and offer them a supportive enviroment where they too can participate in this exciting Robotics program with their children.

Today, we have over 100 plus kids between the age of 6 and 18, guided by a group of volunteers coaches, along with the support and help of all the parents. Our teams meet on weekends to design and build the robots as well as work on their research project and fully participate in the local, regional and world wide tournaments and championship!

Our Program
We sponsor JFLL, FLL and FTC teams by providing coaching and training for the teams on weekend. All our coaches are volunteers donating their time to promote this innovative and exciting program for the children of our community!

FHRL is an active parent participation program, 

If you enjoy spending time with your children doing something that is fun and educational, then this is the program for you and your child!

Our Directors

Iffat Mai

Iffat Mai

Ken Ngai

Ken Ngai

Dr. Lisa Brody

Dr. Lisa Brody

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